Shakespeare’s Verse: A User’s Manual – Hardcover


At Last! A practical handbook for Shakespearean Performance. The bard wrote the world’s greatest verse plays. Almost all of them are performed or read as prose—by default, not by decision. This is a tragic waste but it is fixable. THIS BOOK HAS TWO GOALS:  to persuade you that the great rewards of verse speaking and […]



At Last! A practical handbook for Shakespearean Performance. The bard wrote the world’s greatest verse plays. Almost all of them are performed or read as prose—by default, not by decision. This is a tragic waste but it is fixable.


  • to persuade you that the great rewards of verse speaking and reading are worth much more than the modest effort required to master them

  • to provide the information and guidance needed to lead you down this path

Use this book and experience the music of Shakespeare as never before.

Believe it!


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