Murder Rocks


The Civil War changed many lives and sometimes created monsters from men. Alf Bolin had simple desires: to become rich and to marry Emmy Ann Granger. But he faced two obstacles—he was a poor fellow without any real prospects, and Emmy Ann’s father promised to kill him if he so much as laid eyes on […]



The Civil War changed many lives and sometimes created monsters from men.

Alf Bolin had simple desires: to become rich and to marry Emmy Ann Granger. But he faced two obstacles—he was a poor fellow without any real prospects, and Emmy Ann’s father promised to kill him if he so much as laid eyes on him.

In 1856, the seeds of conflict had already taken hold in the Ozark Mountains. In what became known as the Bleeding Kansas border conflict, anti-slavery forces from Kansas clashed with pro-slavery residents of Missouri. Factions from each side killed both innocent and not-so-innocent alike. Alf—a young, idealistic patriot from Missouri—decided it was time to take a stand.

In a lawless time of horrific brutality when the likes of Bloody Bill Anderson and William Quantrill came to power, Alf grew to full manhood. He assembled a vicious gang of bushwackers that ambushed, robbed, and killed many travelers who took the road past what are now known as Murder Rocks. His reputation grew to the point that he was one of the most hated and feared men in the Ozarks, and he was pursued relentlessly by Union forces.

But through it all, the boy-become-madman still had only two simple desires: to be rich and to marry Emmy Ann Granger.


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