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Award Winners

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Barbara Edema

Janice Gilbertson

Lily MacKenzie

Blanche Manos

Carol Mersch

Anita Paddock

Ron Parham

Todd Parnell

Mark Willen

Terry Winetsky
Historical Fiction

The River Of Cattle

Winner of the Will Rogers Medallion and the Western Fictioneer's Peacemaker award.

Will Whitaker's eleventh summer is one thrill after another. A cattle drive with a famous Texas Ranger, a Comanche trying to steal his horse, a buffalo stampede, thirst-maddened cattle crossing eighty miles of alkali desert to a dangerous ford on the Pecos River—it's almost more than Will can endure.

Mystery on thePecos

Book Two in the Will & Buck series by award-winning author Alice V. Brock. Will and his buckskin stallion join their friend Two Feathers as they fend off thieves and kidnappers on the Pecos River ranch they call home.

Murder Rocks

Alf Bolin had simple desires: to become rich and to marry Emmy Ann Granger. But he faced two obstacles—he was a poor fellow without any real prospects, and Emmy Ann's father promised to kill him if he so much as laid eyes on him.

In Those Glory Days of Elvis

What if you traded your identity and couldn't get it back? Could you live your life as someone else? After the shocking death of her mother, seventeen-year-old Julie Morgan discovers that she has also lost her home because of a risky identity swap. Designed to save her from shame and disgrace, the "perfect scheme" backfires, forcing her to masquerade as her lookalike, Carmen.

In Those Dazzling Days of Elvis

A secret rules her life. In the days when Elvis Presley dazzled the nation, his "good luck charm," Julie Morgan, makes a serious mistake in a bungled attempt to cope with her broken home and bolster her self-esteem. Can you ever hide from the truth?

In Those First Bright Days of Elvis

Growing up isn't easy in El Dorado, Arkansas, in 1955. When Julie meets the young Elvis Presley, he becomes a driving force in her pursuit of love and self-worth.
Keenan masterfully weaves a story of human anguish and betrayal, love and loss, and shows how small choices can change one's life forever.

Fort Fisher

This dramatic Civil War novel details the four-day pivotal battle for Fort Fisher, NC, in that conflict's waning days. Told from the point of view of enlisted personnel on both sides, as well as a local woman, this is the first American novel to focus on the role of the Union Navy and the life of a Union sailor.

Los Angeles, 1968: Happy Ranch to Watts

Weeks before the assassination of Martin Luther King, a directionless young white man who never intended to be a teacher finds himself in a Watts classroom. Explore both subtle and violent ethnic conflict, as well as some tentative resolutions — issues that reverberate in our society today.

Blood Silver

Blood Silver relates the life of James Yoachum, with simple truths and sobering questions about the first white settlers on Indian land in the Missouri Ozarks. With elements of love, fear, treachery and family relationships, the suspense grows page after page.

Papa's Gold

2014 Spur award winner
Best Western Juvenile Fiction!

Spirited eleven-year-old twins must grow up quickly when the Civil War forces their family to escape from Confederate-held Tennessee.

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