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When Foxes Guard The Hen House

An Inside Look at the Risk of Nuclear Annihilation in the Weaponization of Space.

". . . never before has the capacity existed for humans to terminate all living activity on the planet in one spasmodic hour of nuclear exchange."
– Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell

The Best of Frontier Tales, Volume 6

The sixth year's selection of Readers' Choices. Another choice baker's dozen!

Palo Duro Mustangs

Two Feathers, a half-blood Comanche of 14, and his adopted brother, Will, struggle to keep their Pecos River Ranch home. The boys are relentlessly attacked by Two Feathers' uncle, who hates them and is obsessed with stealing Buck, Will's faithful stallion. The boys must win their battles on the harsh Staked Plains alone.

The Best of Frontier Tales, Volume 5

The fifth year's selection of Readers' Choices. If you like Westerns, you'll love this one!

The Killing Spree

The true story of a string of brutal murders, rapes, and the cop who tried to stop it.

A Bible on the Moon

The Untold Stories of Apollo Astronauts Who Tried, Failed, and Tried Again to Land a Bible on the Moon.

In Sickness and In Health

Maggie's faith is strong, but will she withstand the pressures of being a wife, mother, and pastor? Sickness and health are part of all of our lives, but Maggie must finesse her caregiving in challenging situations she never expected. Only time will tell if she is up to the task.

The Ripening

Tillie grew up on the prairies of Alberta, Canada, in the '50s and '60s. It was a time of change for both Tillie and the culture. By the time she reached San Francisco in 1958, the world was no longer the same . . . and neither was Tillie!

The Question is Murder

In D.C., justice can be in short supply.
Can murder ever be justified? That's the question posed to "Mr. Ethics," aka Sam Turner. Then a terrified woman leads to a dead senator and Sam walks straight into danger. But will he walk back out?

We Are One

On January 31, 1971, Navy Captain Dr. Edgar Mitchell embarked on the Apollo 14 mission, resulting in his becoming the sixth man to walk on the moon. This historic journey ended safely nine days later on February 9, 1971. For Mitchell, however, the most extraordinary journey was yet to come.

The Dark Side of Gibson Road

Young Donna Jean knew the house would one day give rise to evilness. When she got the horrible news, the light left her eyes and her sleep became fraught with nightmares. But when she found herself prey of the wickedness, dark justice was forced into her hands.

When Enemies Offend Thee

A provocative thriller. Recently widowed, Clementine returns to her hometown looking for comfort and peace. Instead, she is assaulted. Her determination to make her attacker pay for what he's done drives her to walk a fine, dangerous line between vengeance and justice.

Life is a River

WHAT IF . . .
What if Hardlyville is real? Really real?

What if an author can descend into her own creation and be greeted with open arms by the children of the creek? Ms. Randi Pflander, author (fictional) of the Ozarkian Folk Tales Trilogy as well as the Children of the Creek Trilogy, is about to find out.

Death at a Seance

Carrie McFarland's psychic gifts land her in trouble wherever she goes. The year is 1920. Corruption, bootleggers and the Klan are part of everyday life in Aronsville, Indiana. As an African American teenager, Carrie McFarland knows she must watch her step carefully. She will need all the psychic powers at her disposal.

Stream of Life

Love, laughter, and hellbenders fill the void with hope and happiness as the Hardlyvillains' ever-resilient spirit rises to challenge after challenge.

The Incredible Reverend Stout

This book is the story of John Stout, a man who lived in the shadows of history. It's the story of a man who made history. Few will remember his name, but he shaped the world we live in today in ways that can never be undone.

Lethal Fetish

In 1982 San Francisco, sexual experimentation was common. But naked corpses wearing flea collars? Riley the exterminator is thrust into the kinky corners of a city where the boundary between normalcy and deviancy is blurred. A gruesome climax is coming, unless Riley and his gang of misfits can achieve homicidus interruptus.

Cold Blooded

A chilling, true tale of terror, rape and murder in the Arkansas River bottoms. On a cold January morning in 1981, a knock on an apartment door began what would become one of the bloodiest crime sprees in Arkansas history.

Moonstruck and Murderous

Are two full moons in March to blame for multiple murders in Ednalee, OK? "Ned" McNeil must decipher the mystery surrounding the Carver Mansion to prevent more slayings. But the killer may be moonstruck, and the whole town is suspect. Will Ned fall under the Blue Moon's spell before she unlocks the secret?

For Better, For Worse

Is America at war? A national election is dividing the country, the city of Cherish, and Loving the Lord Community Church into splintered factions. In this fourth book of the series, Pastor Maggie must marshal all the patience and fortitude she can to hold the vision of a harmonious and loving society.

Wellspring of Evil

Is existence a battle between good and evil or evil and itself? Hardlyvillains are about to find out. The rollicking, friendly, loving bunch nestled deep in the Ozarks have seen it all. But now they're up against something they've never had to deal with before: evil for its own sake.

Murder Rocks

Alf Bolin had simple desires: to become rich and to marry Emmy Ann Granger. But he faced two obstacles—he was a poor fellow without any real prospects, and Emmy Ann's father promised to kill him if he so much as laid eyes on him.


The story of four old friends reuniting to contemplate their 60th birthdays turns into a marvelous, magical mystery tour with plenty of surprises and laughs along the way. An enchanting exploration of aging, art, philosophy, feminism, and motherhood, written with style and a heavy dose of humor. A Divine Comedy, indeed!

Fortress of Gold

Sixteen-year-old Pran steps through a portal to Earth from the magical world of Rados. He and his three companions must locate thousands of pounds of Earth gold and bring it back to the Kingdom of Eldor, whose magicians need it to repel an enemy invasion.

Mystery on thePecos

Book Two in the Will & Buck series by award-winning author Alice V. Brock. Will and his buckskin stallion join their friend Two Feathers as they fend off thieves and kidnappers on the Pecos River ranch they call home.

In Those Glory Days of Elvis

What if you traded your identity and couldn't get it back? Could you live your life as someone else? After the shocking death of her mother, seventeen-year-old Julie Morgan discovers that she has also lost her home because of a risky identity swap. Designed to save her from shame and disgrace, the "perfect scheme" backfires, forcing her to masquerade as her lookalike, Carmen.

Hawke's Discovery

When politics and ethics mix with family ties, Jonas Hawke finds himself on the horns of a dilemma in this page-turning tale of greed and power.

Livestock Man

These poems are love stories. Love stories to the land, to the past, to the present, to the future, to animals, to tracks in the sand, to hidden seep springs in deep canyons, to witches in the night, to wild grapes and longing, to campfires. But more than anything, they are love stories about work.

Textbooks, Not Targets

There is a saying in police work that we are the sheepdogs for a world in which predators hunt society's innocent. Our mission is to make schools safe from anyone who would try to harm those within.

One Idiot Short of a Village

From the funhouse that's laughingly called Russell Gayer's brain come another 13 wonderful ventures into wackiness. Pack up your troubles and set them out the back door--there's no room for them in this nutty world.

Murder on the Fly

San Francisco, 1981.
Danger is in the air and nothing is as it appears. But then, neither is Riley. Between romance reigniting and terrorism smoldering, Riley knows he's likely to get burned.

Things a Cowboy Sees and Other Poems

"Miller's work stands out like a Thoroughbred in a pen full of ponies. His wry humor works the same way that Baxter Black's does—it saves us from taking ourselves too seriously."
~ Gary Vorhes, former Editor-in-Chief
Western Horseman magazine

Sacred Heart: Valentine, Texas

Is it whispering secrets in Angela Brannon's inner ear? Evidence of the past and whiffs of her future? Is it Kokopelli, the trickster god, playing his flute? Or is it just a coyote howling? She listens for the messages.

To Love and To Cherish

Twenty-six and single, Pastor Maggie has just graduated from seminary and been called to a church in the town of Cherish, Michigan. Idealistic, impetuous, and short on life experience, she jumps in with both feet, only to meet experiences she never dreamed of—and a touch of romance.

For Richer For Poorer

For Pastor Maggie, life isn't always easy. Adjusting to her new marriage while caring for her flock keeps her on her toes. Things get more complicated as she prepares them for the coming holidays—AND a two-week mission trip to Ghana, Africa, where she will find her spiritual beliefs threatened.

Eye for an Eye

Trapped between life and death, justice and revenge, while a beautiful murderer lurks. Evil disguises itself behind a mask of beauty in Eye for an Eye. Finley Bliss must survive a shocking betrayal by his stunning, murderous wife Eva.

To March Into Hell

Jake Delgado—hard-drinking, maverick private investigator—receives news that his older brother, Freddie, has been found living in Tijuana and is in trouble. Jake is lured down to Tijuana to find him, not knowing that Raza, also known as El Matador (the killer)—the main hit man for the Tijuana drug cartel—is waiting.

Christmas in Cahokia

After uncovering a mysterious urn of ashes, then discovering she was adopted, Ceci Lupo sets off on a journey to investigate her ancestry. Along her quest, an undiscovered murder triggers a re-thinking of her life. How much of her past can be trusted? And who is she, really?

Hawke's Return

When a teenager accuses a key official of a local charity of blackmailing her for sex—and then abruptly disappears—a mystery turns into a crisis, raising concerns about the girl's safety, the charity's survival, and the career and reputation of a man who says he is innocent.

By the Fright of the Silvery Moon

Ned McNeil is haunted by a nightmare that wakes her in the middle of the night, leaving her gasping for breath. A dog—or is it a wolf?—howling in her yard under the brilliant autumn moon sends chills down her spine. Get ready for a page turner; a cozy mystery with an extra shiver that just may keep you up at night, even when the moon isn't full!

Closing Time

The Staton Slaughter is one of the saddest true-crime events of the 1980s, told by the best-selling author of Blind Rage. Closing Time is the stunning story of good and evil colliding in the most tragic of ways.

In Those Dazzling Days of Elvis

A secret rules her life. In the days when Elvis Presley dazzled the nation, his "good luck charm," Julie Morgan, makes a serious mistake in a bungled attempt to cope with her broken home and bolster her self-esteem. Can you ever hide from the truth?

Donny Brook

Who knows what lurks in the deep, dark corners of the Ozarks? Brutal murders, environmental disasters, corruption, and threats to their beloved and pristine Skunk Creek arise and upend the bucolic lives of the Hardlyvillains. How can they prevail?

Holy Water

Water and love are the sources of life, but what happens when the wells run dry? Enthralled by a charismatic corporate lawyer, college student Tulah finds herself entangled in a water-rights conspiracy. But soon the water source for her family's winery in Texas is in grave jeopardy.

To Have and to Hold

Pastor Maggie of Loving the Lord Church has finally gained the trust of her congregation, but they will all be tested when the church comes under attack through malicious break-ins and vandalism. Can she maintain her blossoming romance with dashing Dr. Jack Elliot and support the needs of her flock?


A white man is hired to live and teach at a Navajo Reservation school. He has the best of intentions, but that doesn't matter when many students don't trust him and he has cultural conflicts with some parents. When two students run away in the middle of a winter storm, he discovers his real purpose.

Legend of Fury

Something deadly is stalking Patrick and his friends. The boys want one more great adventure before summer is over and they begin their sophomore year in high school, but they get more than they bargained for. Could the ghost of the legendary Fury be real? And who will be his next victims?

If the Creek Don't Rise

Step into the Deep South and immerse yourself in the lives and hardships, hopes and dreams, of folk who have nothing but grit—and sometimes love—as their currency. Called "The Voice of the South," award-winning author Nancy Hartney bares the souls and stories of this haunting mileau.

A Lovely Murder

The emotional toll following the murder of her fiancé morphs to guilt and then anger as reporter Danni "Deadline" Edens learns the killer was really aiming for her, trying to punish her for a past mistake. Will she learn who the murderer is before he can take his final revenge on her?

Lone Star Christmas

As December 25th nears, San Antonio prepares with twinkling lights, riverboat caroling, and frosty nights. But Maria, seven months pregnant, abandoned, and losing hope, encounters a darker force in the air. Will this Christmas be a celebration of life for Maria—or a deadly failure?

The River Of Cattle

Winner of the Will Rogers Medallion and the Western Fictioneer's Peacemaker award.

Will Whitaker's eleventh summer is one thrill after another. A cattle drive with a famous Texas Ranger, a Comanche trying to steal his horse, a buffalo stampede, thirst-maddened cattle crossing eighty miles of alkali desert to a dangerous ford on the Pecos River—it's almost more than Will can endure.

Poisoned Justice

When California police detective-turned-exterminator Riley is recruited to unearth the facts behind the death of an ecology professor, he finds himself trapped in a web of drugs, beauty, and poison. Can Riley rid San Francisco of its most deadly vermin?

Mojo for Murder

Do you believe in magic? On the South Side of Chicago, a murderer lies in wait for Bertie Bigelow. To solve this case, she's going to need all the mojo she can get. Will Bertie get her mojo working?

Festival Of Fear

Despite Cold War tensions hovering over the country, love is in the air for football star Nick Paxton and effervescent cheerleader Sarah Rogers. But evil lurks in their midst. Several local girls have gone missing and when they are found dead, Sarah becomes the next target.

Grave Heritage

During a violent thunderstorm, there is a murder. When a friend becomes the second victim, local sleuth Darcy Campbell is drawn into the investigation. Danger is closer to Darcy and her mother than either suspects. As the river floods, it seems the whole world has turned on them.

Swine Branch

Who knows what lurks in the deepest, darkest corners of the Ozarks? And what do a mammoth environmental disaster, a series of ghastly murders, corrupt state politics, a bedouin shivaree, crooked bankers, and Noodler's Anonymous have in common? Skunk Creek!

Surface and Shadow

What are you willing to risk to break free?
Smothered by her husband's expectations and the rigid gender roles of the 1970s, Lydia Colton sees a chance to rediscover and unfetter herself—if only she can find out the truth about a wealthy man's suspicious death.

Worth Forgiving

Can prejudice and mistrust threaten an ex-con drug addict's new beginning? After spending three years in a Texas prison on drug charges, Katie Smith is released to rebuild her life. She could use a friend, but her past choices threaten to doom her to continued failure.

The Canyon House

When ten-year-old Poppy encounters a peculiar family in the canyon, she becomes entangled in the darkness abiding there and faces a deadly decision.

In Those First Bright Days of Elvis

Growing up isn't easy in El Dorado, Arkansas, in 1955. When Julie meets the young Elvis Presley, he becomes a driving force in her pursuit of love and self-worth.
Keenan masterfully weaves a story of human anguish and betrayal, love and loss, and shows how small choices can change one's life forever.

Reflections of the Moon

Retrospections on Earth, Mankind, and War

Straight talk from Apollo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell.

Going to the moon isn't for sissies . . . 
Neither is coming back.

Angels from Ashes

True love is like a ghost. Many believe in it, but few encounter it. Chloe Clark stumbles on both but, burned by romance and riddled with low self-esteem, she's unable to recognize true love when it finds her.

Fort Fisher

This dramatic Civil War novel details the four-day pivotal battle for Fort Fisher, NC, in that conflict's waning days. Told from the point of view of enlisted personnel on both sides, as well as a local woman, this is the first American novel to focus on the role of the Union Navy and the life of a Union sailor.

Skunk Creek

What do you get when you mix the beauty of nature, Big Pork, politics, and prejudice? Murder, lust, and greed overtake a small Ozarks community. Book One in the Ozarkian Tales Trilogy.

Christmas in Catalonia

On an obligatory walk along Spain's Camino de Santiago before her marriage day, Gwen Alton's trek becomes a life-changing journey through ghosts, fear, and hope, and the beginning of a life-long pilgrimage.

The Death of Delgado

A three-time Spur award-winning author, "Miller is a talented man. Writer. Cowboy. Poet. He understands the complexity of the West and the good people who live on the land and make it work, and his skill with words tells the tale well."
~ RANGE magazine

Belize Navidad

When widow Nettie "Ned" McNeil returns to her hometown of Ednalee, Oklahoma, she finds her uncle lying in a pool of blood. Obsessed, she risks her own life pursuing the killer who will stop at nothing to hide a deadly secret.

Grey Pine

Digging out of the ashfall from the Mount St. Helens volcanic eruption is challenging enough, but when your girlfriend, your alcoholic father, and your uncooperative boss get thrown into the mix, can your sanity survive?

Magnetic and Main

It's hard to get on with your life when you're already dead. Life is still life, and love is still love. But was Penny's existence really perfect, or was it something else entirely?

Fighting For Her Life

By Detective David Williams

What To Do When Someone You Know Is Being Abused

Finding the Buddha

A dark story of genius, friendship, and stand-up comedy. A mysterious man with a Midas touch delights the world but still seeks release from his own personal nightmare.


"Both hilarious and touching, the madcap journey of an aging mother and her adult daughter from cold Protestant Canada into the hallucinogenic heart of Mexico's magic, where the past literally comes to life. Every page is a surprise . . . A scintillating read." Lewis Buzbee

Maria Juana's Gift

Set on the Texas-Mexico border, this poignant and suspenseful story of a young couple's battle to save the life of their infant daughter "gracefully shifts gears from heartwarming to heart wrenching." Daily Sun News

Blind Rage

A true story of sin, sex, and murder in a small Arkansas town. Who did it and why will shock you.

Shakespeare's Verse

At last! A practial handbook for Shakespearean Performance. The bard wrote the world's greatest verse plays. Almost all of them are performed or read as prose—by default, not by decision. This is a tragic waste but it is fixable.

Melody for Murder

~A Bertie Bigelow Mystery~
On the South Side of Chicago, one sour note can lead to murder.
When the choir director's date is shot to death, Bertie must find the judge's killer—or become the next victim.

Summer of '58

How long can you keep a secret to protect someone you love? Forever? That's what Angela Garrett promised the man in the dark.

Sacred Gift

Everyone is gifted, but some never open their package. What do you do when you find out your adopted daughter, Angela, is talking to ghosts . . . and one of them is your mother who died before Angela was born?

Worth Her Weight

How can a woman who gives to everyone but herself accept God's love and healing when she believes she's fat, unworthy, and unfixable?

Copperhead Cove

The stillness of the warm, Kentucky afternoon on Copperhead Cove is shattered by the echo of a high-powered rifle, sending birds flying and two famous basketball coaches to a watery grave.

The Story Is the Thing

The old cowboy is gone, but he left his story behind. It is a story of love, loss and life lessons, of confession and absolution, a story of poetry and rescue, a story of loneliness and a story of coming together.

Belize Navidad

Follow your star or follow the crowd? Belize Navidad is Christmas magic in a tropical-isle setting. This one warms the heart as it chills the spine, with nods to A Christmas Carol and The Gift of the Magi.

Grave Shift

Before the long nightmare ended, Darcy would often wish her mother had not opened that letter from an unknown woman, plunging both Darcy and Flora into a tale of an unsolved mystery, a web of secrets, and the discovery of an unsuspected traitor.

The Cemetery Club

Becoming entangled in a centuries-old legend, being targeted by a group of ruthless men, and discovering a long-lost love were not in Darcy's plans. Fate, however, had other plans for Darcy and Flora.

POW: Promises Kept

The inspirational story of Walter "Boots" Mayberry. His journey, from the Great Depression to incarceration as a Prisoner of War in Germany, and the promises he made are the kind of story movies are made of. Except Boots is real, and he lived it.

The Best of Frontier Tales, Volume 4

The fourth year's selection of Readers' Choices. This the good stuff, partner!

Magic Teacher's Son

When sixteen-year-old Pran sneaks out of his house one night to join other teens experimenting with sorcery, it sets into motion a chain of events that lead to betrayal, an attempt on his life, first love, friendship with a most unusual spy, treason, and the imminent conquest of his kingdom.

Best Left Buried

A contractor finds a mysterious object deep in a hand-dug well and he needs Darcy's help retrieving it. The result is a kidnapping, a stranger's greed, and a brush with death as Darcy and Flora unravel a web of deceit ensnaring their family.

Goodnight Goes Riding

"Rod Miller is one of the rare breed of writers who can write the historical, traditional or contemporary West, humorous or serious, for young readers or mature. He writes from the heart, and he always writes well.
~ Johnny D. Boggs, six-time winner of the Western Writers of America Spur Award

The Perils of Heavy Thinking

This book may not cure all the world's problems, but it is certain to provide hours of stress-free entertainment and laugh-out-loud moments. Even the most irritable funny bones will be tickled with delight. Learn the joys of being an underachiever, the dangers of donut abuse, and more.

The Best of Frontier Tales, Volume 3

The third year's selection of Readers' Choices. Good reading, right here!

Hawke's Point

Jonas Hawke may be past his prime but he's still a damned good lawyer. That's why everyone in Beacon Junction turns to him for advice as soon as something goes wrong. And plenty does – murder, adultery, corporate conspiracy – everything you'd expect from a sleepy Vermont town.

Molly's Moon

On a routine trip to Europe, businessman Ethan Paxton learns of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Marooned abroad while fear grips America's throat and the world is in chaos, he learns his teenage daughter, on a mission trip in Mexico, has been abducted by terrorists. With America's airports closed, he is left with few options.

Encountering The Edge

What is it like to be just a month, a week, a breath away from death? Unencumbered by religious agendas and pat answers, this book satisfies our curiosity concerning what people believe in, shrug their shoulders at, laugh at, and most care about as they face in Act 3, Scene 3, of their lives.

Los Angeles, 1968: Happy Ranch to Watts

Weeks before the assassination of Martin Luther King, a directionless young white man who never intended to be a teacher finds himself in a Watts classroom. Explore both subtle and violent ethnic conflict, as well as some tentative resolutions — issues that reverberate in our society today.

The Ringleader

Fourteen-year-old Patrick Morrison makes a bizarre, unexplainable discovery while exploring a drainage culvert with his friends. Obsessed with identifying what it is and how it got there, his search turns up some surprising clues.

Sacred Choices

An inspirational love story centered on self-growth, Sacred Choices weaves together the lives of three resilient women.

Blood Silver

Blood Silver relates the life of James Yoachum, with simple truths and sobering questions about the first white settlers on Indian land in the Missouri Ozarks. With elements of love, fear, treachery and family relationships, the suspense grows page after page.

The Light of Ishram

The Thousand Years War has blasted the known worlds of man, elves, trolls and other magical beings asunder. The mysterious Light of Ishram must be rescued from the black witch, Urania Braith, before it's destroyed and plunges eternity into chaos.

Winter of Beauty

Auker captures the deepest longings of ranch folk living far from the paved roads, in harmony with the forces of nature, life, and death, under the shadow of The Bride.

Washed in the Water

Best Fiction Book, 2014!
Winner of
the President's Award!

Seven vivid short stories that depict a cast of characters, innocent and evil, each reaching out for redemption. ". . . compelling . . . gritty"

The Best of Frontier Tales, Volume 2

Another thirteen fine Western short stories, taken from the second year of FrontierTales.com

Papa's Gold

2014 Spur award winner
Best Western Juvenile Fiction!

Spirited eleven-year-old twins must grow up quickly when the Civil War forces their family to escape from Confederate-held Tennessee.

Divine Dining - 365 Devotionals for Health

To the thousands of men and women who suffer from compulsive overeating they can't control . . . 

The Best of Frontier Tales, Volume 1

A baker's dozen of fine Western short stories, from the pages of FrontierTales.com

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