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ISBN: 978-1-68313-039-0
266 pages

$16.97 in softcover

$4.97 in Kindle

Worth Forgiving

~ Book II of The Wharton Rock Series ~

by Janet K. Brown

Can prejudice and mistrust threaten
an ex-con drug addict's new beginning?

After spending three years in a Texas prison on drug charges, Katie Smith is released to rebuild her life. Full of optimism, she sets out to get a job, rent her own place, and make a home for her eight-year-old daughter, whom she had to give away. She could use a friend, but her past choices threaten to doom her to continued failure.
      Larry Pullman graduated from seminary with high marks, but the fact that he has no wife makes finding a preaching job almost impossible. It doesn't help that running from God as a teenager gave him a past that he can't undo. He sure doesn't need an ex-con drug addict messing up his life, but then why did God lead him to her? Or did He?
      Now Lacey Chandler has to cope with her ex-con sister too. Isn't it enough that she gave her niece a home? Does that mean she has to clean up Katie's messes forever? Why is forgiving such a burden?

Could it be Katie's not Worth Forgiving?

Praise for Worth Forgiving

"I thoroughly enjoyed Worth Forgiving as I journeyed with Katie from despair into the future. [It] was packed full of godly themes and is a compulsive read. I read it in just two sittings . . . pausing only to sleep! I am looking forward to more from Janet K Brown."
~ Julia Wilson, "Christian Bookaholic"

"Janet K. Brown touches hearts and lives of those with addictive personalities. Exposing the core of problems in her characters, she leads her reader to do their own soul-searching, offering encouragement as her characters find their way through trials and personal crises. I Highly recommend Brown's Worth Forgiving."
~ Bonne Lanthripe, playwright, award winning actress, and author of The Ringleader

"Worth Forgiving: The title of this hard-hitting story says it all. Is Katie, a recently released convict imprisoned for her drug connections and allowing her daughter to be kidnapped, worthy of mercy?
      "This question haunts both Katie and Larry Pullman, a police officer and seminary graduate seeking a pastorate. The theology of unconditional love runs in Larry's veins, especially with his own checkered past, but he must answer another query: Does his attraction to Katie form a reliable basis for marriage?
      "It's hard to say who entertains the most doubts, or which one suffers the most setbacks in this story. But suffice it to say, Janet Brown has mastered the art of raining down troubles on her hero and heroine, and keeping the reader wondering about the outcome."
~ Gail Kittleson, author of In Times Like These and In This Together?

"Worth Forgiving, by Janet K. Brown, is a page turner. I think if I had only one word to describe it, I would call it "riveting." Worth Forgiving is a follow up to her book, Worth Her Weight. In the first book, we got to know the characters included in Worth Forgiving. Ms. Brown delves deeply into the reasons for addictions and she also offers the solution to addiction problems. Caution: once you start reading, you may not be able to put it down until you finish this well-written book."
~ Blanche Day Manos, author of the Darcy and Flora and Ned McNeil series

An engaging emotional novel depicting the redemptive power and love of God
"This novel is filled with emotion and drama that will engage you from start to finish. The book depicts the struggles—both internal and external—that Katie Smith faces based on a rocky past that ended up in a prison sentence. It's more than a novel however. This Christian-based work is filled with life's realities and decisions that are made every day. When Katie gets out of prison she is inwardly imprisoned by her regrets and the emotional distance she feels toward her sister Lacey. Though Lacey would rid herself of emotional issues related to eating and lose 100 pounds, Katie's struggles would be a work in progress.
      "Throughout this book is the struggle to follow one's heart and love despite contrary conflicting circumstances . . . With plenty of twists and turns it brings the reader to a transparent conclusion that no one is beyond the grasp of God's saving hand . . .
      "Worth Forgiving shares in a theme we all face sometime in our own lives—will we forgive others and even ourselves? The reader will be thrown headlong in the internal struggle to find peace, clarity . . . and true love.
      "It is well worth exploring also because Christ's redemptive power is demonstrated . . . I give it a five-star rating without hesitation."
~ Valerie Caraotta, book reviewer

Praise for Worth Her Weight: Book I in the Wharton Rock Series

"This book is a hidden gem—one of those reads that is not easy to forget and will hit the reader in the heart at certain points. There is an immediate connection with and sympathy for Lacey and the feeling of wanting her to succeed in everything she puts her effort to. It's one of those books that will have the reader screaming at the top of their lungs in the hopes that the characters can hear . . . it has a great little mystery in it too . . . an emotional roller coaster that will stay with the reader for a long while after it's read!"
~ Lynn-Alexandria McKendrick, InD'tale Magazine

"Worth Her Weight was great! And true to the way a food addict deals with their struggles. I know first-hand. Love the book."
~ DeeLynn Lopez, Program Director of Behavioral Health Group and Co-leader for Celebrate Recovery

Books by
Janet Brown


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Even Janet was surprised that she had a penchant for teens and ghosts when she released her debut novel, an inspirational young adult, Victoria and the Ghost, in July 2012. She's been writing ever since. She uses her platform of recovering compulsive overeater to weave stories of hope for addiction, compulsion, or impossible situations, with an occasional detour into the paranormal.
      Worth Forgiving, a work of inspirational women's fiction, is the second in the Wharton Rock Series, and follows Worth Her Weight, published in 2015. The third installment in the series is due out in 2017. She also penned an in-depth devotional for healthy living titled Divine Dining: 365 Devotions to Guide You to Healthier Weight and Abundant Wellness (2012). An accompanying workbook is due out by the end of 2016.
      Janet and her husband, Charles, love to travel with their RV, work in their church, and visit their daughters' families. When not traveling, they live in Wichita Falls, Texas, where she teaches workshops on writing, weight loss, and the historical settings of her teen books.

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