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Todd Parnell

Mark Willen

Terry Winetsky

ISBN: 978-1-68313-203-5
278 pages

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Wellspring of Evil

~ The Children of the Creek Trilogy ~
Book One

by Todd Parnell

Is existence a battle between good and evil or evil and itself? Hardlyvillains are about to find out.

The residents of Hardlyville, a small community nestled in the heart of the Ozarks, are a rollicking, friendly, loving bunch.
      Hardlyvillains have seen it all. But now they're up against something they've never had to deal with before: evil for its own sake.
      What do you do when evil is consumed by even greater evil? Hardlyvillains only know one way to fight something that terrifying, and that's with love, humor, and an overwhelming desire to help one another.

But will that be enough?

Rowdy, ribald, insightful and grounded in Ozarkian waters and history, Wellspring of Evil will always surprise, and generally raise an eyebrow or two.

Praise for Wellspring of Evil

"What a joyful giggle! A world apart! My, what a place to grow up in! The language is beautiful . . . well, most of it! Wonderful book."
~ Pam Purcell, Elephant Rescue Activist, London, England

"With his melding of magic realism in the front porch-sittin' tall-tale tradition of the Ozarks, Todd Parnell weaves another tale about the bigger-than-life citizens of Edenesque Hardlyville."
~ Fred Pfister, Founder, The Ozarks Mountaineer Magazine

"It's all elbows and knees!"
~ Jo Anne Hawkins, Retired Educator

Books by
Todd Parnell

The Ozarkian Folk Tales Trilogy


The Children of the Creek Trilogy


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Todd Parnell began writing non-fiction during his years as a banker and educator, including published books The Buffalo, Ben, and Me; Mom at War; and Postcards from Branson. He is an award-winning author inducted into the Missouri Writers Hall of Fame in 2012. He tried his hand at fiction upon retiring as president of Drury University and hasn't stopped writing since, completing the Ozarkian Folk Tales Trilogy, published by Pen-L Publishing, and is hard at work on a second trilogy, Children of the Creek. In his own words, "I've had great fun writing about the Ozarks and tackling important contemporary issues in that rich and captivating context!"
      Parnell is a civic leader, environmental advocate, co-founder of the Upper White River Basin Foundation, and retired CEO of THE BANK in Springfield. He recently completed his term as Chairman of the Missouri Clean Water Commission. He holds masters degrees in Business from Dartmouth University and History from Missouri State University, and is a graduate of Drury University.
      Born in Branson, Missouri, Todd is a sixth-generation Ozarker. He resides with Betty, his wife of forty years, in Springfield and is blessed with four children and five grandchildren. So far.

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