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ISBN: 978-1-940222-32-5
172 pages

$14.97 in softcover

$4.97 in Kindle

Also by
Bonnie Lanthripe

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The Ringleader

by Bonnie Lanthripe

     Fourteen-year-old Patrick Morrison makes a bizarre, unexplainable discovery while exploring a drainage culvert with his friends. Obsessed with identifying what it is and how it got there, his search turns up some surprising clues. Certain he has found an answer to the mystery, Patrick ventures into the culvert one more time for proof. Another obstacle arises when he is almost swept away when water rushes out of nowhere. Deciding further investigation is too risky, Patrick persuades the boys to take a break from the hunt and finish the video they had been working on.
      While filming the final scenes of the video, a series of unusual twists uncovers all the pieces of the puzzle Patrick searched for, bringing a surprising resolution to the riddle.

Praise for The Ringleader

Bonnie Lanthripe's book engages me from the first words, gaining my attention with a tale with gusto, intrigue and suspense intermingled with animated dialogue. I smiled at the antics of the bright, curious, and delightful young characters. Her writing skills keep the story moving from one event to the next, creating a delightful, fun-loving book that is sure to capture the interest of many. I love to read anything Bonnie Lanthripe writes and hope to read many more of her books.
      ~ Kathryn Spurgeon, author of Love from the Inside Out

"The Ringleader promises to be a page-turning mystery novel for middle-school readers as they follow the fun adventures of the young heroes of this story."
      ~ Louise Tucker Jones, Gold Medallion Award-Winning Author/Inspirational Speaker/Columnist

Successful playwright Bonnie Lanthripe brings her talents for fast pace and crisp dialogue to fiction for middle age readers. The Ringleader tracks the trends of today's pre-teen crowd — budding videographers, roaming wild animals, stumbling heroes in mysterious messes. This book is print for the You-Tube generation. It should be consumed with enthusiasm by those who order their reading served quickly with a generous side of slapstick humor.
      ~ Lynette L. Wert, ED.D., Professor Emeritus, Creative Studies Department, University of Central Oklahoma

I originally bought copies of this book for my grandchildren, but I'll have to admit I liked it too. It has mystery, adventure, sibling rivalry, and humor. This book has everything a middle grade reader (of an adult who still remembers what it's like to be young) could want. It's a fast read with a believable teenage voice and a plot that is satisfying but still leaves the reader wanting more. I was sorry to see it end.
      ~ J. T. Biggs

For Bonnie Lanthripe's debut middle grade novel, she nails the teen voice. Boys will identify with the desire for adventures, the attempt to hide things from parents, and the camaraderie with friends. I have an 11 year-old grandson, & I can see him loving this mostly because of the language, the excitement, and the ache to explore the world. The good thing is parents will welcome good clean family stories that also interest their kids. I loved reading it myself & look forward to the sequel. It's a highly recommend for me.
      ~ Janet K. Brown (Wichita Falls, TX, USA)

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  Nancy K. Harmon

      Bonnie Lanthripe and husband, Jim, live in Edmond, OK. Playwright, novelist, her short stories have appeared in several devotionals. The Ringleader was her first venture into the middle-grade genre, followed by The Ringleader: Legend of Fury. With four children (grown) and six grandchildren, Bonnie says there is always a story just around the corner.


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