ISBN: 978-1-942428-54-1
216 pages
$15.97 in softcover
$4.97 in Kindle
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The Death of Delgado
and Other Stories
by Rod Miller
Rod Miller is one of the rare breed of writers who can write the historical, traditional or contemporary
West, humorous or serious, for young readers or mature. He writes from the heart, and he always writes well.
~ Johnny D. Boggs, six-time winner of the Western Writers of America Spur Award
An excerpt:
Soldiers surrounded the camp and pressed in, pushing the Shoshoni one way then the other. Some soldiers kept
their rifles, using bayonets when frozen fingers could no longer reload the guns. Others threw rifles aside and
drew revolvers, shooting down everyone they saw with shot after shot after shot.
With nowhere to turn, bewildered Shoshoni swarmed in confusion, looking for any avenue of escape. They were shot
down trying to climb the steep hills. They were shot down hiding in the willows. They were shot down crossing the
river, or hiding in the water under its banks. Bodies floated downstream, blood turning the water red.
~ from the story "Play Dead or Die"
Books by
Rod Miller
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