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ISBN: 978-1-942428-14-5
300 pages

$16.97 in softcover

$3.97 in Kindle

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Sacred Gift

~ Book II of the Sacred Journey Series ~

by Karen Hulene Bartell

Everyone is gifted, but some never open their package.

Spirits are everywhere for those privileged to see. Angela Maria Brannon, the adopted baby from Sacred Choices, has a sacred gift. Her connection with the Aztec goddess Tonantzin and Our Lady of Guadalupe empowers her to see ghosts. At first, people think her having 'imaginary friends' is cute, but at school she's branded 'different' and learns to conceal her special skill.
      On her eighteenth birthday, Angela opens herself to communication with the afterlife. Using her sacred gift, Angela spurs those around her to recognize their potential by resolving deep-rooted pain. Traveling San Antonio's River Walk and Mission Trail she encounters eerie apparitions and wraiths. Kissed by the divine and grazed by the ungodly, Angela is proof there's "more in heaven and earth than is dreamt of."

Praise for Sacred Gift

Another grand slam for Karen Bartell. This story, set years later, gives us a glimpse into the life of the child from the first book, but also more backstory on the three women from the first book. The story was woven like the strands of a tapestry. A tapestry I am anxious to know more about. Highly recommend.
      ~ Michele Breaux-Rowley

Sacred Gift is as enjoyable as its predecessor, Sacred Choices. Even though the timeframe is years later, the abortion issue remains a central theme, depicting its long-lasting and far-reaching effects. But the story moves beyond that to also illustrate the healing process that continues far longer for many people.

      The author heart-wrenchingly shows us how Ceren, years later, is still trying to repress her resentment and regret over her decisions, yet doesn't give up hope that she can reach that state of peace and acceptance. Even though she knows some of her decisions were the right ones, she's still held back by that very human disappointment that she can't completely make everything all right again.
      In Sacred Gift, the author very intricately and skillfully weaves her story lines into a tight ball of fate—and you don't see it coming. Leaves your head spinning. I loved the description of the Monarch butterflies—just one example of how she effectively "puts you there."
      ~ Dale Haner

This is a beautiful story of survival—rich with redemption, forgiveness, and love! It visits two of the choices women have when faced with unexpected pregnancies. Abortions can leave the mothers with feelings of guilt, anger, and bitterness. Choosing adoption can leave the mother with a different sense of heartbreak and loss. Characters alternate in the spotlight, but Angela is the hub, with her spiritual connections playing key roles in the story. At times the story drags, feeling more like a history lesson touching on Religion, Art, Architecture, and Solar Geometry in connection to Franciscan friars and their design of Mission churches in Texas hill country . . . it's informative and entertaining, with a positive ending. Hats off to Karen Bartell for a job well done!
      ~ Lori Leger at InD'Tale Magazine

Books by
Karen Bartell

The Sacred Journey Series


The Sacred Messenger Series


Other Books by Karen Hulene Bartell


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Dr. Karen Hulene Bartell, author of Christmas in Cahokia: Song of the Owl, Holy Water: Rule of Capture, Angels from Ashes: Hour of the Wolf, Christmas in Catalonia, Sacred Gift, Belize Navidad, Sacred Choices, and others, is a best-selling author, motivational keynote speaker, IT technical editor, wife, and all-around pilgrim of life. She writes multicultural, offbeat love stories steeped in the supernatural that lift the spirit.
      Dr. Bartell lives in the Texas Hill Country with her husband Peter and her 'mews'—five rescued cats.

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