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ISBN: 978-1-68313-150-2
248 pages

$15.97 in softcover

$4.97 in Kindle

Also by
Russell Gayer

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One Idiot Short of a Village
and Other Stories of
Wacky Characters in Quirky Places

by Russell Gayer

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Welcome to Nasal Falls, home of Kowalski Cheese!

In the titular novella wrapping up this collection of comical short stories, readers join the tiny hamlet of Nasal Falls, Wisconsin, in their steadfast effort to become a bona fide Village. City leaders have discovered that one critical element is missing—an official Village Idiot. Every village must have an idiot, you know. But where can you find a genuine idiot and how much will it cost?
      "Good idiots don't come cheap," says Treasurer and Councilman, Rip Skinflint. An exhaustive search reveals a wealth of incompetence for hire but, in the end, it's narrowed down to two of North America's dimmest bulbs who compete as finalists.
      For the hamlet residents/aspiring villagers, the path to their goal leads through a wildly unpredictable obstacle course populated by a crew of zany, irrepressible characters. It's a hilarious journey, devoid of common sense, with a destination where every day is April Fool's.
      From the funhouse that's laughingly called Russell Gayer's brain come another 13 wonderful ventures into wackiness. Pack up your troubles and set them out the back door—there's no room for them in this nutty world. From the warped mind that brought you The Perils of Heavy Thinking come more lighthearted snorts and giggles.
      This one will bring sidesplitting laughter into your life. You can thank us later, after you catch your breath.

Praise for One Idiot Short of a Village

"New uses for bellybutton lint, advice for would-be procrastinators, and how to survive Black Friday shopping. These are some of the topics Russell Gayer waxes philosophical about—in his uniquely warped way—in this collection of humorous short stories. Who else could show us the delight in watching paint dry? Engage us in the woes of the hamlet of Nasal Falls, Wisconsin, which is in desperate need of an idiot (Goodwill Ambassador) so it can become a genuine Village?
      "Make sure you are somewhere you can laugh out loud before you settle in with these award-winning tales."
~ Meg Welch Dendler, author of the best-selling Cats in the Mirror series

"Simply put, Russell Gayer is a brilliant humorist. All the stories in this collection are wonderful and very funny but do yourself a favor and be sure to read all of One Idiot Short of a Village. The novella-length story, which gives the book its title, shows that Gayer can sustain his brand of funny in a longer form and, as usual for this excellent comic writer, it has absolutely side-splitting moments that will have you laughing out loud. Five stars for One Idiot Short of a Village and its author, Russell Gayer."
~ J.B. Hogan, author of Saturday Night Bushwhack and Mexican Skies

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Like Benjamin Franklin, Russell Gayer spent most of his adult life in the printing industry, except for three years in which he was a framing carpenter, honing skills that his wife, Connie, has made sure come in handy ever since. Before The Perils of Heavy Thinking, some people thought that, unlike Franklin, he had not made any major discoveries (other than Home Project Shock Syndrome), invented anything significant, or made lasting contributions for the betterment of his fellow man. That book was the beginning of something beyond even Franklin's ideas. Now, confirming Russell's supreme lunacy, is his second foray into the absurd: One Idiot Short of a Village. And we hear there's even more on the way. It seems you can't keep a good loonie down!

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