The Untold Stories of Apollo Astronauts Who Tried, Failed, and Tried Again to Land a Bible on the Moon.
Retrospections on Earth, Mankind, and War
Straight talk from Apollo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell.
Going to the moon isn't for sissies . . .
Neither is coming back.
This book is the story of John Stout, a man who lived in the shadows of history. It's
the story of a man who made history. Few will remember his name, but he shaped the world
we live in today in ways that can never be undone.
On January 31, 1971, Navy Captain Dr. Edgar Mitchell embarked on the Apollo 14 mission,
resulting in his becoming the sixth man to walk on the moon. This historic journey ended
safely nine days later on February 9, 1971. For Mitchell, however, the most extraordinary
journey was yet to come.
An Inside Look at the Risk of Nuclear Annihilation in the Weaponization of Space.
". . . never before has the capacity existed for humans
to terminate all living activity on the planet in one
spasmodic hour of nuclear exchange."
– Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell
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Carol Mersch, a long-time friend and confidant of Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell, is an Oklahoma author
and journalist specializing in narrative non-fiction. She has published many books and numerous articles
which she authored and co-compiled with others in areas of space exploration, law enforcement, and spirituality.
Her close friendship with Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell led her to develop The Apostles of Apollo: The
Journey of the Bibles to the Moon (Pen-L Publishing, 2010) and A Bible on the Moon (Pen-L Publishing, 2022), for which she was accepted into the Mayborn
Literary Guild, and The Space Less Traveled (Pen-L Publishing, 2013), a book of quotations gleaned from her
years of companionship with Mitchell. In 2013, her literary document "Religion, Space Exploration and Secular
Society" was accepted by Taylor & Frances, a national consortium in the UK offering document subscription
services used by museums, libraries, and universities, including the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum.
Prior to this, Mersch was instrumental in publishing several books, including The Seamless Bible (Destiny Image,
2004), a chronological presentation of the King James Bible and The Seamless Gospels (Destiny Inage, 2005),
Coming Home: For Those who Serve and Those who Wait (Elm Hill Books, 2004), a devotional/journal for US troops,
Year of Promise, a 365-day devotional/journal (iUniverse Publishing, 2011), and The Heart of a Cop: Stories of
Personal Faith from the Line of Duty (Clovercroft Publishing, 2016). Undaunted: The Unflinching
Faith, Audacity and Ultimate Betrayal of an American Legend (Pen-L Publishing), and The Incredible Reverend Stout:
Presidents, Astronauts, and the woman he loved (Pen-L publishing), chronicling the life of ordained
Presbyterian pastor and NASA Chaplain Reverend John Stout, was released in September 2019. Her latest book, When Foxes Guard the
Hen House, written by Apollo Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell and compiled by Carol, analyzes the hazards
of extending the nuclear arms race into space (Pen-L Publishing, 2024).
For more information see www.carolmersch.com.
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