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ISBN: 978-1-68313-077-2
230 pages

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In Those Dazzling Days of Elvis

~ The Days of Elvis Series, Book 2 ~

by Josephine Rascoe Keenan

A secret rules her life.

In the days when Elvis Presley dazzled the nation, his "good luck charm," Julie Morgan, a small town girl bound by the social code of the 1950s, makes a serious mistake in a bungled attempt to cope with her broken home and bolster her self-esteem. A seemingly innocent decision to attend a concert proves to be a misstep which leads to another, and another, and yet another, ultimately catapulting her into a horrible dilemma with no apparent way out.
      In desperation, Julie agrees to a scheme that Carmen, her lookalike, insists will be Julie's salvation. Their plan is risky, and Julie's resolve wavers, but Elvis's long-distance friendship and support give her strength. Renewed, she moves on, until fate intervenes in this "perfect plan to turn back time and restore her innocence, leaving Julie alone in the heap of rubble that was once her life. How will she be able to escape the tragic consequences of her choices?

Can you ever hide from the truth?

Books by
Josephine Keenan


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Josephine launched The Days of Elvis, her three-book series of YA novels, in 2016 with In Those First Bright Days of Elvis. Set in the Deep South in those unforgettable days when rock 'n' roll was born, it tells the story of Julie Morgan, a young teen girl struggling with the repercussions of a broken home. When she attends a concert by a new singer named Elvis Presley, the foundation of her world is shaken and her life begins to unravel.
      In book II of the series, In Those Dazzling Days of Elvis, readers learn that a secret now rules Julie's life. Trapped by the consequences of a serious misstep, she faces the shame and rejection doled out to those who break the rigid social code of the 1950s. When she begins to have hope for the future, though, an unexpected twist of Fate intervenes, leaving Julie to flounder in the heap of rubble that was once her life.
      The final book, In Those Glory Days of Elvis, resolves the dreadful situation created when Julie agreed to go along with a mind-boggling scheme. Heroically, she fights to restore her identity and find a way to keep the great love of her life.
      Josephine has also had stories and poems published in Cricket magazine and in Modern Maturity. Her plays have been produced in regional theatres and one of them, The Center of the Universe, was chosen as a winner of Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati's New Play Contest.
      A member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, Josephine attended the Ohioana Library Book Festival as an author and panelist in 2017 and 2018. She enjoys speaking at salons and book clubs, and is available for book signings and classroom visits.
      When not writing, Josephine enjoys oil painting—in fact, the cover art for her books is from her own paintings. She also enjoys square dancing and cooking Southern dishes, such as hot water cornbread, little lady peas, and grandma's champion peach cobbler.

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