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Barbara Edema

Janice Gilbertson

Lily MacKenzie

Blanche Manos

Carol Mersch

Anita Paddock

Ron Parham

Todd Parnell

Mark Willen

Terry Winetsky

ISBN: 978-1-68313-235-6
364 pages

$16.97 in softcover

$4.97 in Kindle

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In Sickness & In Health

~ Book Five of the Pastor Maggie Series ~

by Barbara Edema

Maggie's faith is strong, but will she withstand the pressures of being a wife, mother, and pastor?

With her first baby on the way, Pastor Maggie is busier than ever, but happiness turns to frustration when her trusted administrative assistant heads off on a three month Australian vacation. Maggie finds herself with a troublesome replacement who will not be managed. A life-threatening health crisis for more than one beloved friend, concerns for a family in the grip of a terrible secret, and weddings galore force Maggie to juggle care for her flock and family, all while preparing for her own little bundle of joy.
      Sickness and health are part of all of our lives, but Maggie must finesse her caregiving in challenging situations she never expected. Only time will tell if she is up to the task.

Praise for the Pastor Maggie Series

"Barbara Edema has done it again! In Sickness and in Health takes us back to the idyllic town of Cherish, Michigan and the wonderful and wacky parishioners who feel like old friends. Edema creates a hopeful, inspiring novel of faith and friendship, kindness and community. She skillfully balances weighty themes of abuse and illness with her trademark humor, hope, and heart. My favorite of the Pastor Maggie Series, In Sickness and in Health is the perfect escape from a world of chaos and conflict. Reading a Pastor Maggie novel is like slipping beneath a cozy blanket on a cold winter day. In a world of chaos and conflict, Edema wraps us in a warm hug and reminds us how we should be."
– Lori Nelson Spielman, New York Times best-selling author of The Life List

"I couldn't put For Richer, For Poorer down. It is filled with many important life issues while keeping a fantastic work of fiction. The warmth of the characters and their interactions will make the reader smile and ponder many things. I turned the pages quickly wondering and anticipating what would happen next. The trials and triumphs of the people in Pastor Maggie's congregation is inspiring. This is a very fun story as well. It shows what the power of love can do. It is creative and extraordinarily imaginative. I think that readers will be very satisfied, inspired and happy with this third installment of the 'Pastor Maggie' series."
– Jewel Hart, ChickLitCafe.com

It was amazing!
"This is one of those meaningful books that makes us examine our perspective on our thought processes and expectations when we are giving to others, particularly when we decide what others need. As with the previous Pastor Maggie books, the characters and their interactions seem so real they could walk off the page and into our living rooms . . . a delight to read with enough suspense, laughter, and depth to keep me engaged and looking forward to more of Pastor Maggie."
– Charlene Kushler

Books by
Barbara Edema

The Pastor Maggie Series


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Barbara Edema has been a pastor for twenty-three years. That may sound astonishingly boring. However, she is a great deal of fun, with a colorful vocabulary used regularly out of the pulpit. Barb has spent decades caring for people during holy and unholy times. She has been at both her best and her worst during her growth as a minister.
      Now she's writing about a fictional church based on her days serving many delightful and frustrating parishioners. Pastor Maggie is a young, impetuous, emotional, and clumsy—not to mention, a crazy cat lady—who steps into ministry full of Greek and Hebrew, but short on life experience. She learns quickly.
      Barb lives in DeWitt, Michigan with her husband, Doug. She is the mother of Elise, Lauren, Alana, and Wesley. Like Maggie, Barb is a feline-loving female. Hence, she has collected an assortment of rescue kitties. Barb enjoys date nights with her husband, watching her children do great things in the world, a glass of good red wine, and making up stories about the fun and crazy times of life in the church.

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