ISBN: 978-1-940222-22-6
268 pages
$16.97 in softcover
$4.97 in ebook
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Blood Silver
by Woody P. Snow
The year is 1813. When James Yoachum's wife dies in childbirth, he is driven mad.
Rejecting family and friends, he staggers into the wilderness west of St. Louis,
seeking escape from his grief. Weeks later, winter has set in and, exhausted, he
falls into a freezing river. Rescued by Delaware Indians, he is taken into their
As he grows stronger, he learns how the Delaware, a simple people, have been
taken advantage of repeatedly by whites who come into their territory. Yoachum also learns of
the existence of a silver deposit which early Spanish explorers forced Indians
to mine.
Realizing the silver will draw avaricious whites like honey attracts bears,
Yoachum devises a plan to protect his adopted people, the Delaware, and sets in
motion the events which become the source of legend!
Praise for Blood Silver
An amazing piece of work . . . still relevant today. Finding an actual Yocum
dollar has been a weird dream of mine since I first heard the legend. Blood Silver
is a great book.
~ Nick Sibley, Author and Composer
At long last – a comprehensive story of the famed "Yocum" silver dollars.
Snow has managed to make each chapter ring true to both history and humanity.
Gripping from start to finish, Blood Silver relates the life of James Yoachum
with simple truths and sobering questions about the first white settlers on
Indian land in the Missouri Ozarks. With elements of love, fear, treachery,
and family, the suspense grows.
~ Larry Dablemont, Naturalist, Journalist, Radio Host
I love a story that grips you from the very beginning and this one surely did that. Chapter by
chapter Mr. Snow takes you through a thrilling history of the Missouri Ozarks, all the while
keeping interest high in what will happen next to the Yocum silver and the people whose lives
it touched. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading about family dynamics,
history, adventure, and mystery, all rolled into one great story. What a treat!
~ Kathy Bosch
It's been a long time since I've found a fictional story worth reading, much less one I couldn't
put down. Thank you, Woody, for this great weekend read that whisked me away to a fascinating time
and place.
I love the story's simplicity, wholesomeness, and optimism in the midst of trial and human frailty. It's a refreshing change from the mire of hopelessness and malaise that is post-modern fiction.
There's love and loss, faithfulness and betrayal, suspense, and an intriguing premise. The fact that it's based on real history only makes it more intriguing to me. It sparked my imagination and sent me to the internet to research the characters, the location of Delaware Town, and the Yocum dollar.
You are my new favorite author, Woody. I hope you have another in the works.
~ nixiechick (nixa, usa)
My family moved to the Southwest Missouri Ozarks in 1976. Over the years pieces of a story
kept surfacing. A comment that such-and-so old geezer has been looking for the source of the
Yocum Silver Dollar since childhood. That possibly Silver Dollar City (a local theme park)
got its name partly from that legend. That it helped fund the Confederate Army in Arkansas
and Missouri during the War of Northern Agression as I've heard it called here sometimes.
But, that is about as deep as the myth went, until Blood Silver.
Woody P. Snow has crafted a story, that once I started found difficult to put down. He fills
in the gaps with researched history combined with brilliant guesses. He also presents many
issues of the time, such as the multiple breaking of treaties and forced relocation of
eastern tribes further and further west, greed, kindness, racism, and caring of the various
settlers. This gives the story depth and balance. Not all were good. Not all were bad.
I don't know how much of the story is true. It feels like it is entirely true.
Now I need to go to the Ralph Foster Museum.
~ John Daleske
I'm a 'One Minute Manager' type reader and seldom read, to the chagrin of my wife. But this book
"Blood Silver" mesmerized me from the time I started reading it. Being from an area where two
rivers converged, I had some knowledge of Indian traditions and culture—but this "Yoacum dollar"
story really grabbed me. Woody P. Snow is without a doubt destined for a sequel on this one and
I can't wait. You will understand when you read the final chapter(s). His attention to
historical fact woven into the supposed 'legend' just left me spellbound, hoping the contents of
the cave to be true. I started reading this book on a Friday afternoon and finished it Saturday
evening, completely immersed in the story.
~ Larry Freund
Once I began reading I became enthralled. I am normally a slow reader, reading a little
each day or so. Not in this case. I started reading it yesterday and finished it this morning.
The story of James Yoachum losing his wife and deserting his baby son, his travels and the
deliverance from suicide to becoming a part of the Lenape Nation and marrying the chief's
daughter, Mekinges is so real. I was happy when Sol appeared on the scene and brought
along James's son, Jake. I was elated when James finally acknowledged and accepted Jake
and was actually brought to tears when they were reunited.
I fell in love with the Indian people and culture, which was so far removed from the ugly
selfishness of the white people encroaching upon them . . . the white people who 'kill for silver.'
Very vibrant story telling, . . . so cohesive. I want to go out now
and locate that hidden treasure. Is it fantasy or is it real? For me it's a definite WOW.
~ Reba Brew, Photographer and Artist
Blood Silver grabs you right away and takes you on an amazing and true to life historical
adventure through the 1800s mid-west in search of treasure. Lots of action and witty dialogue.
I now have a better understanding of why the Indians don't like the white man.
This is one of those 'can't put it down because I need to know what happens next' stories.
You and your kids will enjoy this book.
~ Casey Adams
Blood Silver immediately draws you in and doesn't let go. So many suspenseful twists and turns
that you best strap yourself in and be ready to be entertained.
Setting the stage in the Ozark Hills of Missouri in the 19th century, you find yourself immersed
in the life struggles of James Yoachum, the untimely death of his wife while in labor, and his
search for happiness found among the Lenape Indian Nation.
The conflict between white settlers and the Indians, together with the politics, land and currency
issues of the day transport you back in time to a place where love, greed, violence and survival
all play key roles. The fabled legend of the secret silver mine comes to life in this gripping epic
tale. The ending is explosive. It's a must read!!!! Thoroughly enjoyed from start to finish.
~ John Jaras
From beginning to end, Blood Silver held my interest. I cried. I gasped. I wondered. I smiled. I was
alternately moved from anger to compassion, from sadness to joy. This is historical fact taught
expertly in a fictional wrapping. Is there still silver waiting for the right explorer or diver or
spelunker to find? I don't know. What I DO know is that if anyone wants a family-friendly story worth
its weight in silver, this novel is for that person. I highly recommend this historic novel.
~ Janet Haley
I rarely read books these days, but listen to audible books instead. However, I purchased this book and
finally sat down to read it. I couldn't put it down. A must read for SW Missourians and those of American
Indian Heritage. Woody did a great job portraying the characters, the possible events and the treachery
and greediness of the U. S. Government from the beginning. Terrific job, Woody and now, of course, I
need to read The Boy Who Stole the Moon.
~ Dena
Books by
Woody P. Snow
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Woody P. Snow, radio personality and award-winning author of The Boy Who Stole the Moon,
Blood Silver, Murder Rocks, and Eye for an Eye, has been intrigued by the stories of
the settling (and unsettling) of the Ozarks. He writes books and songs, paints and researches in the
Missouri Ozarks.
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