ISBN: 978-1-942428-14-5

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300 pages $14.97 in softcover
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Sacred Gift


by Karen Hulene Bartell

Praise for Sacred Gift!

Another grand slam for Karen Bartell. This story, set years later, gives us a glimpse into the life of the child from the first book, but also more backstory on the three women from the first book. The story was woven like the strands of a tapestry. A tapestry I am anxious to know more about. Highly recommend.
      ~ Michele Breaux-Rowley

Sacred Gift is as enjoyable as its predecessor, Sacred Choices. Even though the timeframe is years later, the abortion issue remains a central theme, depicting its long-lasting and far-reaching effects. But the story moves beyond that to also illustrate the healing process that continues far longer for many people.
      The author heart-wrenchingly shows us how Ceren, years later, is still trying to repress her resentment and regret over her decisions, yet doesn't give up hope that she can reach that state of peace and acceptance. Even though she knows some of her decisions were the right ones, she's still held back by that very human disappointment that she can't completely make everything all right again.
      In Sacred Gift, the author very intricately and skillfully weaves her story lines into a tight ball of fate—and you don't see it coming. Leaves your head spinning. I loved the description of the Monarch butterflies—just one example of how she effectively "puts you there."
      ~ Dale Haner

This is a beautiful story of survival—rich with redemption, forgiveness, and love! It visits two of the choices women have when faced with unexpected pregnancies. Abortions can leave the mothers with feelings of guilt, anger, and bitterness. Choosing adoption can leave the mother with a different sense of heartbreak and loss. Characters alternate in the spotlight, but Angela is the hub, with her spiritual connections playing key roles in the story. At times the story drags, feeling more like a history lesson touching on Religion, Art, Architecture, and Solar Geometry in connection to Franciscan friars and their design of Mission churches in Texas hill country . . . it's informative and entertaining, with a positive ending. Hats off to Karen Bartell for a job well done!
      ~ Lori Leger at InD'Tale Magazine

Sacred Gift is indeed a gift. An amazing continuance of the story of Ceren, Judith, Pastora, and on to the next generation. Surprising coincidences and twists keeps the reader happy and turning pages. A well written story that stands on its own with insights into the first of the series, Sacred Choices. The flashbacks are great and expand on the relationship of Ceren and Justin further tying the two books into one living organism. Aptly titled, it is a story of life gifts, and the gift of life. Now focus is turned to Angela, Ceren's daughter, whose gift of seeing and communicating with spirits is channeled in ways that promote healing and forgiveness. As in the first book, the overall message is that life is a gift, always to be protected and cherished. It is uplifting, and hope giving.
      Here's another good point . . . this author has such a creative gift of bringing the locale into the works of the story. The romance and history of San Antonio, Tx. enhances and colors. How can an author combine deep influencing messages with an exciting page turner? . . . I guess Karen Bartell is just good that way!
      ~ Mary Rotolo

Sacred Gift crosses generations of choices, history, and religions, bringing to light a special message: We all make mistakes. Some can be fixed and some can't, but life goes on after death—here on earth and in heaven—and the choices we make in life may stay with us forever.
      This thought-provoking story revolves around two controversial topics—abortion and adoption. Bartell deals with these sensitive issues with compassion and understanding. The writing is exquisite, the characters well-drawn and complementing each other.
      Judith and Ceren, who had made some choices of eternal significance, take the reader on an emotional roller coaster. Their choices brought grief and sorrows in their own lives and the lives of those close, and not so close to them, but ultimately they were the ones to carry the heavy burden. Pastora, a woman of faith, and Angela, a daughter who all her life has been in touch with spirits—help Judith and Ceren find peace with what they've done, and put the broken pieces of themselves back together. They also help those affected by Judith and Ceren's decisions to find their way around the debris through faith and trust that God has a plan for everyone.
      As stated at the end, "God doesn't always choose opportune moments to share His will."
      ~ Ica Iova, Award-Winning Author of Unsung Victims

An Excerpt

After Judith tucked Angela Maria in for her afternoon nap, she watched her adopted baby.
      Fascinated, the infant focused on the wall. Her eyes rapidly tracked the sunlight’s muted play of light and shadow on the wall, as if watching a movie.
      Judith noticed the baby’s eyes open wide in wonder and then crinkle, as if thinking or laughing. Chuckling to herself, Judith shook her head. What is she doing?
      Her eyes glued to the wall, the baby watched the streaming video that only she could see. She saw tall pyramids, nearby palms swaying, their leaves waving in the virtual breeze. She listened intently to the audio, a voice that spoke only in her inner ear.
      “Mesoamericans built step pyramids,” said the baby’s personal narrator, Toci. “More like the Mesopotamian ziggurats than Egyptian pyramids, the Mesoamericans built the largest pyramid in the world, the Great Pyramid of Cholula.”
      The wall her private movie theater, Angela listened and watched the moving images, intrigued.

Also by
Karen Hulene Bartell


  Karen Hulene Bartell

Karen Hulene Bartell, author of Sacred Choices, Christmas in Catalonia, Belize Navidad, Sovereignty of the Dragons and Untimely Partners, is a best-selling author, motivational keynote speaker, IT technical editor, wife, and all-around pilgrim of life. She writes multicultural, offbeat love stories steeped in the supernatural that lift the spirit.