ISBN: 978-1-942428-50-3

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158 pages
$13.97 in softcover
$4.97 in ebooks

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At the Corner of Magnetic and Main

by Meg Welch Dendler

It's hard to get on with your life when you're already dead.

Penny had been stuck in the same diner for decades—ever since she died in 1952. Her diner was comfortable and safe. Serving ice cream to those who dropped in on their way to the next level of existence, she helped to ease their transition into The Light, the one place she can't go. Her afterlife was perfect.
      But when the ridiculously handsome, bad-boy biker Jake Thatcher shows up and becomes stuck as well, Penny rediscovers feelings that she thought had been buried with her body.
      Life is still life, and love is still love. But was her existence really perfect, or was it something else entirely?

Praise for At the Corner of Magnetic and Main

Meg Welch Dendler's paranormal fantasy, At the Corner of Magnetic and Main, is an otherworldly tale about the newly dead who, for whatever reason, do not go into the light, and instead linger on as spirits. Dendler's ghosts can still eat ice cream and Penny, the waitress, has even figured out how to manifest strongly enough to scoop ice cream and stream movies from the forties and fifties on the shop's computer at night when the shop owners are home. I enjoyed the historical elements of this nostalgic tale, especially the tales of the elderly man, Silas, and Molly, the maid. There are elements of Sartre's No Exit, Straub's Ghost Story, and even a bit of some old Twilight Zone stories blended in this supernatural coming of age tale, whose heroine fills her ethereal existence with dreams of dancing with Fred Astaire, experiencing the grand passion of Bacall and Bogart, and finally experiencing for herself a first kiss. This is a well-written and introspective novel which gives the reader a lot to think about.

      Jake Thatcher was relishing the forbidden pleasures of a day off from work spent riding his motorcycle on the hills and curves of Highway 62. It was spring, and while there was still a bit of winter chill to the air, the glories of the setting sun added to the experience. While he realized he should set off for home again, he decided to extend his impromptu escape for just a bit longer and head on towards Eureka Springs where there was sure to be a party or two and an inexpensive hotel room to crash out in. As he prepared to push through the twists and turns of the highway, he was stunned to suddenly find himself in a diner. He knew this diner and had been there before. It was a place he knew for its marvelous food and nostalgic decorations. But how had he ended up there? And who was this young, green-eyed waitress watching him with a calm and thoughtful look in her eyes.
      ~ Jack Magnus, for Readers' Favorite

I'm so excited to see this title out on Kindle. Full disclosure, I was asked to be a beta reader for this work several years ago. Meg is a friend of friends who know we both write. I started it and then some major events in my life interrupted any "fun" reading for a long while. I lost the link and life went on. But these characters and the small town setting have stayed with me all this time. I'm looking forward to seeing how it all comes out for Penny and Jake. So, I'm cheating here, not having read the whole book, but I wanted to be the FIRST of what I'm sure will be a raft of good reviews. I figure any plot line and group of characters that can stay in my head for this amount of time deserve four star recognition.
      ~ Susan J. Cobb on

Thoroughly enjoyed this book, look forward to reading more stories from you. Congratulations Meg!
      ~ Barbara Kelsey

Meg Welch Dendler has considered herself a writer since she won a picture book contest in fifth grade and entertained her classmates with ongoing sequels for the rest of the year. Beginning serious work as a freelancer in the '90s while teaching elementary and middle school, Meg has over one hundred articles in print, including interviews with Kirk Douglas, Sylvester Stallone, and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. She has won contests with her short stories and poetry, along with multiple international awards for her best-selling Cats in the Mirror alien rescue cat children's book series.
      At the Corner of Magnetic and Main is her first adult novel, but it won't be her last. Meg and her family (including four cats and her dog, Max) live at 1,400 feet in the Ozark Mountains on what they call Serenity Mountain, just outside of Eureka Springs, Arkansas.